Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31

I am grateful that after work, I was able to hook up with two friends to walk 5 miles of the Blanchard Trail.  It's nice when I can take time out of my schedule to keep up with friendships.  We were doing great in the Fall, meeting 2-3 times a month.  But after Christmas, I don't know what happened.  I am just thankful we are able to resume our exercise routine.  Note to self, next time where the right socks so I don't get blisters on my feet!  Ouch.  Good thing I got deerform slippers for Christmas.  So soothing to them. :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30

I am thankful today.  We have so many wonderful media technologies.  From listening to an encouraging CD on the way to work of how "we have God's fingerprints all over us for he is the Master Artist" to the internet when needing to make an informed decision of who to vote for in the Republican primary.  I am blessed to have many tools at my fingertips.  I just pray that through these avenues, I never forget my first priority, God, in whom I continue to have an intimate relationship with.  He is my best friend.  I try not to disappoint You. I love You. :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29

Another gorgeous day here in sunny Florida.  It didn't get above 68 degrees again today, but no clouds in the sky since the second cold front moved through.  I am amazed with myself.  Clif and I went on a bike ride today starting at Killarney Station in Winter Garden, only this time headed east instead of "hill country" to the west.  Granted it wasn't nearly as hilly as the last time we departed this station, but there were gradual hills that were quite deceiving.  Anyway, I am thankful to have made it 27 miles round trip.  When we stopped at the Clarcona-Ocoee station and read the sign that to the end of the trail would be a total of 22 miles one way if we continued, I looked at Clif and said, "maybe in another life!"  We were at the 13.5 mile marker, and I let him know I was ready to turn around.  The good news is that I made it!  I wish he would have had a camera because one part of the trail was absolutely beautiful.  It kind of reminded me of one of the scenes in Gone With the Wind the way the oak trees canopied the path.  Thanks God for another wonderful day. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28

Today I was able to sleep in until 8:00!  After having a nice leisurely morning, Clif and I headed to Split Oak Park for an afternoon hike.  We decided to go later in the day because it was a little chilly earlier.  But for an afternoon hike, the weather was perfect.  68 degrees with a slight breeze and plenty of Florida sunshine. :)

We've hiked this park before when our boys were much younger...say at least 10-12 years ago.  So, from what we remembered, the south end of the hike wasn't very shady.  We opted to start there and finish the day in the shade.  Well, after this many years, trees grow, fires come, and landscapes change.  We started in the shade, mid-way through... in the full sun, and ended going in and out of both!  We were surprised with how much prettier the south trail loop has become.  What was a sand pit we once crossed is now an overgrown field of sawgrass!

Thought you might enjoy a few pictures of our 6.6 mile journey through various landscapes.....


    The south loop was dense with gallberry bushes.  These become an abundance in pine forests, especially after a fire.  Wildlife love to feed off of this plant.  Although we didn't see the actual animals, we identified several species of animal tracks to/from the plants.


                Who says you have to go oceanside to enjoy walking through white fluffy sand?!



             AAAHHH, a much needed  rest at the Lake Loop overlook.  We used our binoculars to spy some
mallard ducks swimming further out in the pond.  Listening to the chirping birds, splashing fish, and the rustling leaves within the trees brought a sense of tranquility over us.  Do I really need to finish the hike?

             Animals, you gotta love them.  I tried to get a picture of this huge armadillo, but it was too quick and into a palmetto bush it hid.  Then we spied a fox squirrel which raced too high in the tree to get a good pic.  I just love the fox squirrel.  They are so clumsy looking when the move, yet have a bushy tail resembling a fox, hence its name.  It was cute to watch.

January 27

Today is Clif's birthday, and I am grateful to have him in my life.  He has been a good provider, and I also believe we have been good for each other in our life journeys.  The boys and their girls came over to spend an evening with us.  After dinner, we enjoyed a night of games and laughter.  A good time was had by all. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26

Working at 2 different schools today worked very well.  The day just flew by!  Both classes were great and I had a lot of fun being able to inspire students in their quest of learning.  I especially liked the second assignment because the paraprofessional I worked with has a relationship with Jesus as well.  After the students left, while we cleaned the room, we were able to share stories about our journeys.  It was uplifting!
Thank's God for putting her in my path today.  I believe we inspired each other. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25

Today I didn't get a job.  But, I am still grateful...why?  Because it allowed me an opportunity to visit Michael at his work, and take him out to lunch to the Olive Garden.  Our waitress was incredible.  I haven't had one with such a helpful, cheerful spirit in a long time.  We had a wonderful time.  It was nice to just be able to spend quality time with just him.  We weren't distracted which usually happens when he comes by the house to visit.  He and Valerie are doing well.  Both are enjoying their new jobs...no more BassPro Shops.

Another thing I was grateful for was the uninterrupted ride to Lake Mary.  I popped in a CD I got from Joel Osteen.  He is such a motivational speaker.  I am glad he uses his gift of encouragement in such a BIG way.  His CD was so incredible, I listened to it again on the way home. His words were so uplifting that it gave me much energy.  So much so that once my lunch settled, I was able to have high impact workout at Planet Fitness.  Boy that felt good! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24

      Hmmmm, I'm thinking.  What am I grateful for today?  I know, I am grateful that I had 4 contacts come in this afternoon for future jobs.  I was able to book 5 new dates!  Now, if I can find something for tomorrow, I will be set with a job every day this week. 
      I am also grateful that the hair dyes over the counter are so much better than decades ago, so I am able to color my hair in the comfort of my own home AND watch the Biggest Loser!  People are always surprised at my actual age.  For some reason they think I am about 10 years younger than I actually am.  The secret?  Having a relationship with the Lord, and hair dye!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23

Back to work today.  I had the priviledge of teaching in a Kindergarten class that had a senior intern.  It made for a great day.  What a difference from the experience I had last Thursday.  God is good.  He gave me a break!  Then I was grateful to be back in the gym.   I have become used to doing resistance training at least 4 days a week, and I missed it after taking 3 days off.   Our weekend of activity was tiring (in a good kind of way).  I guess I didn't tell you Clif took me on a 21 mile bike ride yesterday.  I was so exhausted when we were finished that he treated me to Tijauna Flats for an early dinner.  Yum.  This is my favorite restaurant!  I especially love to chomp on their crushed ice. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22 (late afternoon)

I guess I have several things to be grateful for today.  God has blessed us with another good crop this year.  Clif is quite the master of gardening.  He tells me there are 4 heads of cauliflower to be harvested, and yet we still have cauliflower in the fridge from the 2 heads that were harvested a couple days ago.  I thought I'd just post some pictures so you could get the idea.  This is an added blessing to living in Florida.  You get year round crops!

                                              Cauliflower ready to be harvested, but left on for future use.


                                    Harvested cauliflower.  One to keep and one to share.

                                           Broccoli that we will harvest after taking the picture.

                                     Future harvest that will be ready in a week or two.

                                                                    Lettuce that is Oh so Sweet!

                                                         Carrots to add to our salad.  Yum!

January 22

I  always enjoy Sundays.  It is a time I look forward to... replenishing my spirit with Christ through the Eucharist.  I was grateful for the messages given today not only in the Word, but through song.  My favorite song was the psalm today, which I sing regularly as prayer...To You O God I Lift Up My Soul.  I remember singing it even when the kids were little.  They would behave after I'd sing the song because they knew I was at wits end, and they dare not cross God!  Anyway, we also sang The Servant Song.  The lyrics are great to meditate on...What do you want of me, Lord? Where do you want me to serve you? Where can I sing your praises? I am your song.  I hear you call my name, Lord.  And I am moved within me. Your Spirit stirs my deepest self.  Sing your songs in me.  Then we also sang Give Me Ears to Listen.  This is a prayer I usually sing on my way to work.  It always intrigues me that just by singing prayers in the morning how much better my day goes.  It's easy to have a great day when your focus is on the Lord. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21

Today, Clif and I went for a 7.5 mile hike through Hal Scott Park in East Orange County.  We experienced the "Real Florida".  From going around the lake, through the pine forest (which was scorched due to a recent controlled burn), then onto the cypress flood plain of the Econlochatchee River, through hardwoods, and back again.  We were looking for wildlife.  The only thing was saw "alive" were numerous birds....woodpeckers, songbirds, hawks, vultures, but no mammals. :(

We did however, see evidence of animals...rootings left behind from wild boars.  Deer, bobcat, raccoon, and bear tracks, yes bear tracks.  Clif didn't believe me, but I pointed out the pads and the longer foot of the back paw, verses the one ahead that was shorter and had long claw marks of the front paw.  It wasn't another mile down the trail that we spied a bear trap.

It was wonderful to enjoy God's creation.  It was silent other than the chirping of birds, the breeze cooled our heated bodies, the sun shone brightly upon us.  We are fortunate to have time available to escape and rejuvenate ourselves for the week ahead.

                                                               The Econlochatchee River

                                   Trail crossing over the Econlochatchee River

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20

Today seems like a Saturday because there was no school today.  It was nice though because I was able to have breakfast with a dear friend.  We chatted for over 2 hours.  It was so nice to get caught up on the happenings of our families.

And the best part of ending the day was spending an evening playing cards with Clif.  It isn't often we have an opportunity to just enjoy each others company through recreation.  I am looking forward to our weekend together. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19

Today was one of those average days.  Nothing to get excited about.  So in thinking what I am grateful for.... and it would have to be that I am so tired, I will have no problem falling asleep.  I am looking forward to a good night's rest. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18

Today had unexpected excitement!  Clif comes home from work on an adrenal rush.  He shared a story about his jobsite being robbed of copper and other expensive materials in which he caught the robbers "red handed".  In any event, after reporting the burglary to authorities, recovering the stolen items, and making statements for the police reports, he shared how lucky he was that he wasn't hurt or injured.  I agreed.

 I shared with him that during my morning prayer in which I pray for protection over the family members, he was placed foremost in my mind.  Heeding the prompt, I said an extra prayer of protection for him as I didn't know what his day would bring.  I am so thankful to have a God who prompts us to seek His aid and protection.  God only wants what is best for us.  We just need to listen, hear His voice, and obey Him.  Needless to say, when I went to choir tonight, I visited the Blessed Sacrament, knelt before the Lord and thanked Him for His Goodness.  I also prayed additional protection for Clif as the 3 thugs got away on foot from the 1 police officer who caught up with them.

The day was topped off with a night of singing Praises to the Lord.  The songs coming up the next few weeks are many of my favorites.  They have such powerful lyrics.  Then, when I got home, I had an additional surprise of being able to chat on the phone with my sister in law for about an hour.  Aahhh, what a wonderful day. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17

Isn't wonderful when you think of a person, wonder how they're doing, then when you get home that person is there?  That happened tonight.  I was so glad to come home from the gym to find Amber and Stephen at home.  What a pleasant surprise!  Then because things were fresh in my memory, I was able to ask the questions I was pondering as I thought of them.  It's nice to hear they're doing well.  I was a bit jealous though because they were going on a date night out to dinner and bowling.  This sounded like so much fun.  But, putting that aside, I did enjoy my evening of relaxation...especially because my muscles are sore from yesterday's workout. 

I have much to be grateful for again today.  I had said my usual prayers on my way to work.  I am always amazed at how God guides my day when I wrap it in prayer.  I was in an exceptional education classroom where discipline issues can be frequent.  Well, not today.  There were three adults in the classroom, and it flowed liked clockwork.  Of course, you have some issues because of the special needs of the students, but nothing that can't be handled when a day is wrapped in prayer.  Thanks God! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16

Today was such a beautiful day.  Cool, but not to cold.  It was a great day to go biking with Clif.  I even ran into some teacher friends along the way.  After that, off to Planet Fitness to do some weight training.  I told Clif it was my "last chance workout" as I had a doctors appointment this afternoon.  I have been trying to go in with weight loss each time I go.  I've been doing this for 3 years now.  It's amazing how quickly weight goes on, and how slowly it comes off.  The good news though is that I had a great weight loss.  Next, after dinner, it was off to Message Envy for an hour message.  The best part of this wonderful day, I still had a couple hours to spend with the Lord.  He has been revealing quite a bit lately.  I am just wondering what it is He want me to do with it.  Due time will tell.  All Praise and Glory Be to God. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15

I am really happy I am reading this book!  I know I have said it many times before, but wow, I just can't seem to get enough.  When I went to Mass today, I had a whole new outlook, a renewal, if you will.  I sat down and asked God, "what is the one thing you want me to learn today?"  I applied what I could remember about being "engaged" through the entire Mass.  It was easy for the most part.  I only caught myself wander a couple times.  But, the most amazing thing was applying what I read after receiving Communion.  I was to accompany the choir on the piano as I sometimes do.  However, I usually make it a point to practice so I can be performing my best, and never quite make it through the piece perfectly.  Needless to say, I didn't get the practice in as I should have.  Anyway, my "aha" moment (which was only because it was suggested in the book) was...Jesus, because you are now within my body, please play this instrument through me, and may all Glory Be Onto You.  Oh my gosh, did I play with a confidence I never had!  And it's all because of Him.  Amen!  I am so glad to have tools available to guide me in being His servant.  Thanks be to God. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14

Today has been a quiet day. I am thankful to have a day of reflection while cleaning the house.  All the laundry is finished, bathrooms cleaned, floors swept.  I even had time to read more of Rediscover Catholicism.  This author is really amazing. I am priviledged to have the opportunity to relish in God's Word, have time to reflect, then think of how I can apply His standards to my life.  It's nice to have a quiet day now and then. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13

To some people, Friday the 13th can be bad luck, but for some people it isn't.  I was born on the 13th.  So, at a very early age, I had to put this myth to rest.  I am glad I did because there are so many thirteens out there it would drive me out of my mind!

So how was my Friday the 13th?  Marvelous to say the least.  I returned to a wonderful class I substitute taught in last Friday.  They were still wonderful.  The weather turned cold today. (A much needed break from our warm winter).  I've had quite time to spend with the Lord.  I was able to get to Planet Fitness for my daily exercise.  Tried out a new recipe from Campbells Kitchen which was tasty.  Much better than two other recipes I tried this week.  And now, I have time to sit and relax before turning in for the evening.

Aaahhh, to sit in peace and reflect.  Such a hidden treasure in today's world. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12

What a wonderful surprise today.  Two girls who used to live in the neighborhood when they were little showed up to visit with their kids!  These girls used to play with the boys daily, come over to study, or just to chat.  It is such a joy to see they have grown up to be wonderful young ladies.  They shared with Clif and I so many things that had positively impacted their lives.  It is nice to know we contributed in a positive manner.  Their boys are so cute!  I feel so blessed when people of the past make their way into the present.  It's a pleasure to get caught up on the happenings of their lives.  I had often told their mother that if anything were to happen to her, I would adopt them in a heartbeat.  Glad to know that didn't need to happen, but I am still happy to be a part of their lives.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11

Well all be a monkey's uncle.  I just realized I didn't blog what I was grateful for yesterday!  I was actually grateful because originally I only had 2 days booked for this week, Monday and Friday.  When I got home from work Monday, I had a message from Kelly Services that I was needed once again at Union Park.  Low and behold, the one day assignment turned into three.  That filled my entire week!  Yeah.  Not only that, I had a message on the answering machine for a job next week.  Now I only need one more day to fill that week.  Thank you Lord.  You always provide for us.

Now onto today.  I am grateful to be back on track.  I had mentioned on the January 1 that most people don't make it a month on their Resolutions.  I may have not blogged my gratefulness yesterday, but I definitely felt it.  I am also grateful I was able to meet the teacher that I am being of service to today.  Her baby is adorable.  Another thing I am thankful for is the fact choir practice got out a little earlier tonight than usual.  That gave me the opportunity to go to Publix to purchase 2 more gas cards.  You can't beat when they have $10 off a 50 gas card.  This helps out tremendously with these skyrocketing gas prices.  Thank's again God for being creative in the way you provide to help make our dollars stretch. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9

On a Monday, sometimes it can be hard to find something to be grateful for.  I had to sit and reflect for awhile about the day.  It was a wonderful day.  I had a cooperative class.  I was able to support the teacher in what she needed fulfilled. I was able to go to the gym, fix a nice dinner, and get cleaning caught up around the house.

But after a time in silence, I realized the thing I am most grateful for is a book that was given to me from a friend at church.  It is titled Rediscover Catholicism.  I have enjoyed this book, and have been taking my time in reading it as to digest all that it has to offer.  Today's message was about listening to God in the silence.  I am grateful because after all is said and done for the day, I have been blessed with the opportunity to do just that.  My spirit has been reignited!  Each day I renew another vow with the Lord.  How precious of a gift this is!

Thank you so much Bryan for listening to God's call, and sharing this book with so many of us. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany (Three Kings), well actually the true date was Jan 6, but the Catholic Church celebrated it today.  And as tradition has it, our Christmas decorations came down today.  I am grateful to be able to see out the front window again.  Although I love when the Christmas decor goes up, I am also grateful when it comes down.  But, just a confession, there are some Christmas items I leave up all year long. The meaning is just too deep not to have it present all year long. :)

But I was also grateful for something else.  My daughter-in-law came to visit this afternoon.  We had such a delightful time.  As I was putting things away, she was going through Michael's photo albums of his earlier years.  It was so much fun to reminisce with her.  It made putting things away go quickly.  She also told me how much my boys love me.  The way she said it was so loving.  I let her know how much I appreciated hearing that.  Even though you know your family loves you, it's nice to have it affirmed.  Especially when you kids get older, move out, and are on their own.  As a parent, you often wonder (at least I do) if the lessons you taught them, and the love you showered upon them impact the decisions they make.  Today, I was reasssured they do.  I was very happy to know this. Thanks Valerie. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7

It easy to be grateful for many things today.  For friendships....it doesn't matter whether you keep in touch regularly or only once a year.  I was glad to be a part of the Kress Epiphany Party and be able to see old friends from way back when.  I am also grateful that Kevin is recovering from his Lymphoma.  I pray his healing continues.

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6

I have almost made it a week.  It is now Friday, and I need to reflect on what I am grateful for today.  Well, this isn't taking much time to decide.  I am grateful that I had a GREAT class to teach today.  No behavior problems.  Students wanted to learn, asked questions, participated.  I was thinking today at lunch.  Having the class I had yesterday, then turning around and having the class I had today, reminds me why I LOVE my career choice of being a substitute teacher.  I can go in, teach, support the teacher in absence, and move along to the next assignment.  No paperwork, no meetings, no dealings with parents, just good wholesome quality teaching time with the students.  Thank you God for leading me to this path.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5

Well, today's job proved to be quite challenging.  I was giggling to the office worker that my New Year's Resolution is to find the positive in each day, and have it be filled with gratitude.  This is kind of hard to do when you have students in the office facing potential suspension.  It's enough of a challenge to have 1 or 2 difficult students in a classroom...but 7?  They just feed off of each other.  Crazy.  The good news is, it was my first difficult class of the 2011/2012 school year.  Anyhow, at the day's end, I did manage to find something to be grateful for!  The Gym!  Yep, it was off to Planet Fitness to work off a day's worth of frustrations.  It worked like a charm.  An hour and 20 minutes later, I was filled with the same joy I was feeling last night.  It's amazing what some Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music can do to lift one's spirit.

So, what am I thankful for?  Options to pull a person out of a funk so joy can return to their soul.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4

Today I am grateful because I was able to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  Just me and the Lord.  It is so nice to be in complete silence, and just in the presence of His Love.  He fills my cup!  Then, off to choir practice I went, and low and behold, so many of the songs we sang were Jesus talking directly to me.  Oh how I had had many of the conversations with Him, only to have the lyrics state them so eloquently.  It put a deep sense of joy in my heart!  What a great way to end an already wonderul day.  Thanks Jesus for showing me how to pick myself up when I felt so low!  You are my Saviour.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3

I am very grateful today because usually work is slow after Winter Break.  I really didn't expect to find a job assignment, but I did!  Not only was it a wonderful 5th grade class, but they needed someone to cover tomorrow as well.  So, I now have a job for each day this week as I already had an assignment for Thursday and Friday.

I am also grateful because it is satisfying to have a purposeful job.  Students really put joy in my heart.  I truly feel blessed to be doing something I believe in my heart God has called me to do.  I pray on my way to work that God will use my eyes to see the needs He wants met, to use my ears to truly listen to what the students share (whether it is a desire for help, or reassurance they're doing a great job, then respond appropriately), to use my hands to be of His work and support to the teacher in need, and to guide the words that flow from my mouth that they are encouraging, uplifting, and motivating. 

Thank you God that I am invited to serve You. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2

Oh boy, I've made it to my second day of the New Year's resolution.  Today I am grateful for many things.  First of all, I got to sleep in until 10:30 after a fun night of fellowship with friends!  Then it was off to the Cross Seminole County bike trail as Clif and I both had the day off.  What a gorgeous day to be out bike riding.  It's easy to be grateful for such beautiful, crisp weather to enjoy outdoor activities.  The front that came through was "dry", but if left for a perfect bike riding day.  We rode only 15.8 miles today as opposed to the 18+ miles from 2 days ago.  Another thing I was grateful for...no hills!  My knees are happy. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Resolution

Most people don't like to make New Year's resolutions because they don't seem to keep them more than 30 days.  I am going to try to defy these odds.  Last year, although we had many blessings, I found myself sad.  Partly because I have gone off the Pristiq, partly because I have been doing a lot of self evaluation.  But through it all, I have had a relationship with Christ.  He is the only one who has given me strength in my weakest moments.  And, as Clif and I were on our way to the west end of Orange County for a long bike ride through the rolling hills of Clermont, I had an "aha" moment.  Nothing new for many people, but something new for me.  Something to hold me accountable.  I decided I would blog something I am genuinely grateful for each of the 365 days of 2012.

So here goes for Jan 1.  I am grateful that Clif helped me prepare for our Game Night party we are having tonight.  What ordinarily takes me all day to do was done in 2 hours.  This not only included the cleaning, but the cooking as well.  It was so wonderful to have him next to me in the kitchen wrapping the lil smokies in the cresant rolls, then dicing up vegetables for the veggie pizza.  I actually have time to sit down and relax before the guests arrive. :)