Just over a year ago, I stumbled upon a website
www.locutions.org . I like the disclaimer on the home page
Concerning Private Revelations: These are private revelations and there is no need to believe them. If these revelations help your faith, then receive them. If not, you can set them aside. We are called to believe only public revelations.
I have prayed and wrestled with posting this on my blog the entire summer. What has held me back is people's opinions. I know there will be many that will think I've fallen off the deep end, I have become even more of a "holy roller" than I already am, that I have lost my mind, that I am following false doctrine, etc., etc. However, the longer I have procrastinated, the more urgent I felt on my heart to share, despite warnings and concerns of family/loved ones. However, I realize, I must do what I believe the Holy Spirit is calling me to do, and sometimes that means having courage to go against what the "world" thinks.
I can attest that these locutions have helped me in my faith, therefore, I feel it placed upon my heart to share them with you. After reading all locutions by Fall of 2013, I found I was yearning for more. But, for some reason, I wasn't able to find any written from that point. However, this past Lent, when exploring the website further, I found that they have the messages organized so it makes it easier to read locutions that would be of particular interest. Since then, I have caught up on missed reading and stay current on a weekly basis. I have pasted the link here for easy reference.
These locutions have been read and discerned by Msgr. John Esseff who at one time served as spiritual director and confessor to Mother Teresa of Calcutta. As to who writes them, I have no clue. All I know is I am a person who is prone to anxiety, fret, and worry. In reading these locutions, I have found peace, joy, and a calmness I never knew. Yes, some of the revelations are alarming. Even with that, I still feel a deep peace that I know I can only receive from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Along with these posts, I also follow Medjugorje where Our Blessed Mother has been visiting visionaries since 1981.
http://www.medjugorje.com/index.html and
http://www.marytv.tv/ . Mary TV is the latest addition thanks to my cousin Sharon. It is incredible to see how many pilgrims visit Medjugorje.
Now, I must also admit that there are Mysteries within the Catholic Faith that I do not fully understand. Devotion to Mary is one of them. However, I can tell you from personal experience that devotion to her and her intercession with her Son, Jesus works. She has brought me closer to Him than ever before. Promptings I get from the Holy Spirit have deepened. Changes I need to make have been placed firmly on my heart in where I can no longer deny them. It is simply amazing the journey I've been on these past few years!
In my quest of unraveling mysteries, I have done much reading, including scripture. I realize that I am not a theologian, so I have found it helpful to read other materials to help me discern the Word of God I read. I found many books to be helpful from the Dynamic Catholic Institute.
In the past year, I've done more reading than I ever did in school! In any event one of the most helpful books I've read is titled
Made For More by Curtis Martin. In this book, he explains Mary's role in a way I never knew. He goes all the way back to the Davidic Kingdom. Here he explains that Kingdoms of that time had 3 significant parts. One of course being the King. He is the one who establishes the way the Kingdom is to be. The second is the Queen who was always the mother of the King! Her job is to listen to the people of the Kingdom, and present their petitions, concerns, etc to the King. In other words, she interceded for them. Her seat is actually at the right hand of the King. And third, the prime minister whose job was to ensure the people were aware of and followed the rules of the King. He goes further to explain as if you don't put two and two together that Jesus is the King, His mother, Mary is the Queen who intercedes for us to Jesus, and the Pope is the Prime Minister. WOW! When Jesus came to earth, He stated,
and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
He also says,
Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
I have meditated on what was revealed in this book
Made for More, and I am so excited with what I am learning, I just have to share it with you!
It is my prayer that you deepen your relationship with Christ through the links I have provided. May God's Kingdom on Earth truly reign.
In Christ,
Trish :)