Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mother/Daughter time

So, I haven't checked my email in 1 day, and I had there awaiting to wonderful pictures.  I just had to share.

It warms a Grandma's heart to see her children treasuring time with her grandchildren!
This is on the front walkway of their house.

This brought back memories of when I used to brush my Grandma Alice's hair.

My heart is just swelling with peace and joy right now. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

They're here!

I finally got the 9 month photos Amber took of Levi.  Yes, they are a little late, but her idea was adorable and took getting the right props to make it a success!

April Showers....

Well...the idea was a good one anyway.  She said he wasn't too cooperative with wearing the props!

Haha, got it off me!

It's more fun to just be "me".

I had him last weekend, and took a couple pictures on my phone to send to Amber.  The first one was, "Good Morning Mommy!"

And the second one was, "peek a boo, I see you!"

I was thrilled to have him spend the night.  Our schedules don't always coordinate, but the time spent with him was truly treasured!   :)

Little Birdie

Last year when we hung 2 geraniums on our front porch a mother bird nested in one of them.
Last night, Clif and I heard chirping, looked out the front window to see a bird perched on the screen. By the time I got my camera ready, it flew off.  But the chirping continued.  When I opened the front door to investigate, there it was.  It was letting me know it returned.  It has built a new nest in the same plant as last year and wanted us to know she was back!

The images of Chloe

Valerie came to visit last week.  I am just now getting to post a few photos she took of her.

What kid doesn't enjoy playing with a bucket?  It is amazing how she fits in it!

Posing in a tree.

I see Billy, and Tracy, and....does anyone remember Romper Room?  I had to send Valerie a YouTube of it because she had never heard of it before.  That's when I realized I AM getting older!!!!