We opted to park off SR 46 and walk the 1/2 mile connector trail. From what we researched, this area would probably be the only shaded part of the hike. And those that follow my blog, know I like to hike in the canopy as opposed to the pine/palmetto landscape.
We took the blue blaze trail and continued to the red blaze trail until we looped back to the 4 mile marker.
I must admit, I was a little apprehensive taking this hike because what Clif was able to read from other blogs, this trail isn't well marked, and some backtracking had taken place. Well, I am here to say....unless you don't know how to read a map, this was one of the best marked trails we've been on in a while. We hiked a total 5.8 miles in just over 2 hours, taking a side jaunt to Katie's Landing, assessing animal tracks, and observing wildlife.
Katie's Landing is only 1.1 mile from where we parked, and they had bathroom and water facilities.
Back onto the trail, Clif and I were correct in our assumption that the only shaded part of the trail was the connector. We hiked through my least favorite landscape for the 4.5 mile loop. However, we did see quail, wild turkey, a snake, and a gopher tortoise. We also saw many tracks in the sand...field mice, rabbit, armadillo, deer, bear, bobcat, turkey, and raccoon.
Kim and I posing. Her husband, Peter, raced ahead so he wouldn't be in the picture.
Mr. Tortoise actually stayed posed long enough for me to take his picture, then he slowly turned and walked away. They are a protected species in the state of Florida.
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