Because she had a nice life vest on, I took her in the water to swim with her. This lasted about 15-20 minutes before she decided she had had enough and would rather be in shallower water that SHE could run around in and enjoy. That makes sense for a 2 year old. :)
Not only that, there wasn't a risk in taking pictures of her there either! (Remember my earlier post about waterlogging my other camera, hence it became toast?) Anyway, I was using Clif's pocket camera and had to be especially careful. For some reason, I seem to destroy cameras! Good thing Valerie was there to take care of things.
Chloe is enjoying jumping the waves with Grandma.
She reminded me of the water birds in that she would run to the water, and when the wave would come, she would run away from it. She cracked me up because when it was a big water surge, she would stick her hands out to try to balance herself. Any one who has grandkids can understand the enjoyment of watching this!
One thing I was surprised with... she didn't take an interest in the seagulls.
We tried to get a shot of us together. Chloe wouldn't cooperate. She wanted to get down and run around some more.
Ready for Grandpa's now that she's been showered and changed.
We had an enjoyable visit. Chloe slept most of the way home, but I will say TRAFFIC WAS HORRIBLE! We left at 2:30 to beat the Tampa rush hour. Needless to say, although it wasn't the FULL rush hour, you could have fooled us. What is normally a 2 hour ride house to house was 2 hours and 40 minutes today! I am glad we left then or we'd still be on I-4!!!
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